Many times during emergencies victim stops breathing and someone has to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Conventional method of giving CPR has some disadvantages. During mouth to mouth respiration paramedic’s mouth does not seal properly against the patient’s mouth. Lack of sealing results in poor respiration. Which may be not be good for the victim Surgiwear has developed a CPR mask. It helps in air tight sealing of mouth of both paramedic as well as victim’s mouth. Moreover it also helps in prevention of fall of tongue backwards. It gives enough space to paramedic for pinching of nose as well as lifting of jaw. Which is otherwise difficult. Use of Surgiwear CPR mask reduces chances of transmission of pathogens from patient to rescuer or vice versa. It also gives protection from vomiting of patient which might happen due to CPR resuscitation.
CPR mask : 25 x 25 cm
Only one size is available
Disinfected before packaging but not sterile.
Packed in tear open poly pack

Instructions for use
Tear open the pouch

Unfold the CPR mask

Insert long part of tube in the victim’s mouth. Keeping in mind to place it above tongue.

Hold upper part of tube in your mouth & blow air into the victim’s mouth 10-15 times in minute